My Blog

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Garry Kinder

Love these inspiring moments ...

"It is not the blowing of the wind but the setting of your sails that determines your life." - Miles Hilton Barber

"If you enjoy what you do, you will never have to work again."

"Happy people are not exempt from troubles; they simply know how to shift perspective and focus on what is working in their lives." - Steve Rizzo

"Think of yourself as a market place missionary, bringing your unique calling and purpose to the world through our business and industry."

"You change the world, one appointment at a time."

"Take your butterflies home, soar with your children and listen to your families. Don't just give them good advice; give them good memories." - Marvin Feldman

"Successful people form habits of doing the things that failing people don't like to do!"

Went for a very good investment seminar today. The man that was speaking was a very sought after insurance guru for many years... Garry Kinder a man well into his 60s! Survived a tragedy of a freak accident on the road that took his wife away. His sharing was more like preaching with the goodness of the bible but without the obvious hint it is... Common Grace at work? I was mightily blessed, very motivated and encourage. Felt as if God came into that auditorium and put courage in my heart. He taught not just on closing sales or how to get clients but the essence of insurance: LOVE.

Because insurance protects, both the insured and the family. The correct motives of selling and buying is for the love of oneself and their families. He taught on being client focus and not product driven. Building long lasting relationships is what most important than meeting sales target.

I like what he shared," I believe each of us are people of dignity in the life insurance business. We don't have to apologise. We provide security for mom and the kids. We keep business doors open when the business owner dies. Think greatly about you function!"

Someone asked him." I can't take rejection well!" He answered," I've never learned to live in rejection. Rejection hurts me as much today as it did when i started 35 years ago. The difference is now I'm getting incredibly well paid for taking it! Be able to take rejection well or you'll never be able to do anything great or be successful!"

Bill Bennett,"If you pursue happiness, you wont find it. To find Happiness, pursue your work, your family and your faith. BUT to find TRUE happiness reverse it... pursue your faith, your family and than your work!" (AMEN! =)

Than he went on to teach the BIG BANG theory!!

B - BOLD Never take counsel of your fear
A - Analyse everything
N - Nice Be nice to everyone you meet
G - God Never take God our of the equation of life

( Can you believe it is a secular seminar???)

There is never been a major change in production than a major change in time management!

He end off with a wise advice: BALANCE is the key to a energetic, powerful and fulfilling life!

oooh oooh I love this:
" Our children finest qualities grow when they are fed delicious morsels of encouraging words."



posted by Caroline Tham @ 3/27/2007 11:12:00 PM


